Washer Pit Rules

    Washers is an indoor/outdoor game of skill with many variants of the game with some general rules to follow, The game field consists of 2 washer pit boxes (octagon/official tournament, or square/some tournaments and casual play) each positioned a specific distance apart.  Played by 2 or 4 contestants pitching 2,3 or 4 washers consecutively to score points. The official (tournament) distance between the center of the cups is  25 feet apart. Shorter distances are occasionally used but are not certified for official competition.  22 feet center of cup to cup is acceptable for some tournament/casual play usually played with square pit boxes.         

      Each player throws 2,3 or 4washers consecutively toward the opposite washer pit box with starting the game determined by a Diddle.  A Diddle is both opponents throw a washer at the same time….continuing till someone gets a higher score deciding who will start the game!! or flip a coin, paper rock scissors, or previous winners decide. 

Although there are many variants of the game here are some general rules to follow!!

This is a singles or doubles (teams) event.

The game field consists of two washer pit boxes                    
—octagon style for official tournament play (see below)    
—square style for some tournament but mostly casual play    
—sometimes played with sand in the box or carpet covered to soften/quieten/ease of the game, even seen soil used

The distance from cup to cup may vary     
—for official tournament play pits are placed 25 feet     
—tournament/casual play can be anywhere from 20 to 25 feet apart normally 22 feet is a good measure

Each player throws 4 washers consecutively toward the opposite box 

Players are not allowed to step in front of the box!

Players may stand or take a step on either side of the box, even stand over the box, or behind the box when their turn! 

Only one player may score per round, by way of cancellation

Washers completely outside the pit area and those that have bounced off the floor into the pit box are ineligible for scoring.     

Scoring can have many variations but here are a few ways:

one being where cup is worth 3 points and inside box is 1 point  optional would be if a washer landed on top of box could be worth 2 points or none at all! 

Cancellation play or every point counts?  

Every point counts is just that, every point made by any washer thrower counts

Cancellation play (most common) is an eye for an eye,  Examples;                                                              

should player #1 get 1 washer in cup and 2 washers in the box, player #2 also gets 1 washer in a cup and 2 washers in the box = no points,  all washers canceled each other!                                                                                                      

should player #1 make all 3 washers in box with no cup player #2 only makes 1 washer in box and no cup  player #1 gets 2 points, no points for player #2

should player #1 make only 1 washer in the cup being the other 2 washers missed/bounced out of box player #2 makes all 3 washers in box, but no cups player #1 gets 3 points as player #2 gets 0 points    

Cup trumps all!!

Should player #1 make 1 washer inside the cup player #2 also makes 1 washer inside the cup    
both washers cancel each other  

Should player #1 make 2 washers in the cup player #2 only makes 1 cup, then 3 points would be awarded player #1.

first team/person gets to 21 or beyond first wins!! Win by 2,

or if u go over 21 by accident u revert back to 11.                                                                                                                          

         Official Tournament Play (octagon boxes)  

    Comes with a very unique yet challenging set of rules!! Try ur skills using these rules!!!    
—25 feet apart cup center to cup center      
—2 washers only per player, per throw
—bare wood octagon boxes, no sand, no carpet
—21 exactly or go back to 11
—5 points cup, 3 points box, 1 point for a washer away on outside of box, if both opponents have a washer outside the box within a washer length, too be considered a wash, no points taken, 2 points for leaning up against box as well as on top of box    
—throw, frisbee, bounce your washer in any fashion to score points!! Without stepping in front of the box!!

      A winning game could be determined by the  SKUNK RULE:  should player #1 reaches 11 points and player #2 has 0 points! 

         Everyone can enjoy playing Washers!!!!


Folks of all ages find Washers stimulating, challenging and rewarding. The fact that very little strength is required also makes Washers an attractive option for people with physical limitations, mobility challenges, even hearing and vision impairments.

For a game as sophisticated and challenging as Washers it truly delivers much enjoyment and satisfaction second to none. 



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